12 “Fashion” Trends That Need to Go Away Immediately

6. The Blogger Coat

This trend is named so because we have those fashion bloggers to thank for it. You know that time you saw some pretentious chick with a trench coat over her shoulders, sleeves flailing loosely and thought “what the hell?” Yeah, that’s the one we’re talking about. This trend does not look cool, but it’s worst offense is that it is not practical at all!

7. Clear Shoes

These abominations that parade around as fashionable footwear need to get out of here immediately. Not only do these clear, plastic transparent footwear look ugly, they look like they’d be really uncomfortable to wear as well.

8. Leggings as Pants

Come on, we can do a lot better. Leggings are meant to be worn underneath other clothing, like a short skirt. When you wear them on their own, you run the risk of putting your underwear (or the fact that you’re not wearing any) on display. No one wants that!

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