Strangest Laws From Around The World That You Won’t Believe Exist Even Today!

6. Denmark

Denmark doesn’t want anyone to name their children anything stupid (which, let’s face it, the kid is going to resent when it grows older). This is why they have a list of 7,000 approved names. If you want to pick a name that’s not on the list, you’ll have to get it approved by the government!

7. Arizona

In the US state of Arizona, it’s illegal for a man who has a mustache to kiss a woman in public. Apparently, it’s fine if the man doesn’t have hair on his upper lip. We wonder if the same law applies to a woman who has mustache hairs?

8. Georgia

Why did the chicken cross the road? In Quitman, Georgia, it didn’t; because it’s literally illegal for a chicken to cross the road. We get that they are concerned about wayward chickens getting hit by vehicles, but come on!

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