Easy Fixes For 10 Common Problems That Cause Trouble Sleeping

Ahh.. sleep. Who doesn’t love sleep? Sleep is one of the most important things we do in life. That’s understandable because humans need to sleep to allow their brains to rest and re-energize to face the world all over again. Did you know that a person who is sleep-deprived for 72 hours or more has a very high chance of dying!

Unfortunately, for many of us in today’s modern world, getting a good night’s rest regularly (or even irregularly) seems like a myth. Two of the most common causes of this is lifestyle and high-powered jobs. Both of these can cause a host of health issues, which lead to stress, anxiety, physical pain, and that’s right insomnia!

Here’s some good news for you! There are a few things you can do to fix a few of the common problems that are known to cause sleeping problems. Before you turn to sleeping pills (which are quite dangerous themselves), take a look at this list and try to handle them in better ways.

1. Back Pain In The Morning

We’ve all experienced back pain at some time or another in our lives, and I think you’d agree with me when I say it is one of the most painful and irritating things ever! And waking up with one of them can put a damper on the rest of the day ahead. Now this might be because you slept in the wrong position for that day alone, but if it keeps returning day after day, it becomes a serious problem. One way to fix this is by placing a pillow underneath your legs, so that your body forms a natural curve. If you prefer sleeping on your side, place a pillow between your legs. Do this continuously and you won’t have to wake up with a back pain anymore!

2. Neck Pain

Neck pain is another thing that is guilty of causing you to lose sleep. Not only that, it can also persist throughout the day, which is definitely not fun. Most of the time, neck pain is caused by poor posture, affected by sitting and sleeping positions. During the day, try and sit in an upright position; slouching is a no-no. While sleeping, trying and sleep on your back and use a flat pillow so that your body lies flat on the bed.

3. Snoring

Is your partner’s snoring keeping you up all night? I feel your pain!

To try and get rid of this, have them sleep on their side, or pick a pillow for them that maintains a straight position of the neck and head. You can also get them to do special exercises that help to toughen up the muscles of the tongue and throat.

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