14 “Expired Foods” That You Can Still Eat

7. Frozen Foods

The high temperatures of a freezer prevent most foods from going stale. This includes fruits, vegetables, and even meat. The best way to store things in the freezer is in individual portions. It won’t be the same if you’re having to take out a large portion of frozen produce out, thaw it it, use some of it, and re-freeze the rest. This way, the worst thing that could happen to your frozen food is freezer burn due to oxidization, which does not make it unsafe to eat.

8. Hard Cheese

According to The Food Network, hard cheeses like Parmesan are safe to consume even if their expiration date has passed by. They say that even moldy cheese is no problem! If there’s mold on the outside, you should trim away those parts completely and eat the unaffected areas. This can be done up to one month past their expiration date.

9. Pasta

Dried pasta is another staple that is meant to last long time. There is no water content in pasta, which would make them very hard to spoil. Therefore, we’d say its safe to use even a year or more past its expiration date. Just give it a sniff before popping it in some boiling water. If it isn’t giving off any unpleasant odors, you’ve got no problem.

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